Diverse product lineup of SAKURA SI.
Introduce SAKURA SI product from "Washing/Sterilization" to "Bio-related devices".
Ethylene Oxide Gas Sterilizer

Equipped magnet circulation fan. Realize the uniformization of environment inside chamber.
We realized sterilization to meet international standard.

Realize the uniformization of temperature, humidity and gas concentration by circulation structure inside chamber and circulation fan which is equipped upper of chamber.
Equipped magnet coupling that is desgined our own technology to prevent gas leakage. So there is no worries about gas leakage.
To make more strengthen the sealing performance by new designed door packing. And reviewed the door rigidity to improve the safety and the maintence.
Structure of door jacket
Adjustable speed indicator of vaporized gas
Improved the safety of operation environment by local exhaust.
Gas concentration control system
Steam generator, Clean steam generator
Pre-conditioning equipment, aeration equipment
Interlocking with front and rear equipment by automatic transportation equipment